
A world of books




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A generic Bookworm instance for everyone to use.

Join other bookwyrms in recommending books to eachother & sharing your reading list and read list. Or, if you just want to have a place to manage the books you are reading, then this is also the place for you! Either way, everyone is welcome!

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Recent Books

John Scalzi: Starter Villain (2023, Doherty Associates, LLC, Tom) 4 stars

Starter Villain


Inheriting your mysterious uncle's supervillain business is more complicated than you might imagine.

Sure, there are the things you'd expect. The undersea volcano lairs. The minions. The plots to take over the world. The international networks of rivals who want you dead.

Much harder to get used to...are the the …

Mark Haddon: The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time (Paperback, 2004, Vintage Contemporaries) 4 stars

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time


Christopher John Francis Boone knows all the countries of the world and their capitals and every prime number up to 7,057. He relates well to animals but has no understanding of human emotions. He cannot stand to be touched. And he detests the color yellow.

This improbable story of Christopher’s …