
Die goldenen Enklaven , #3

Ungekürztes Hörbuch

Deutsch language

Published Feb. 23, 2023 by Audible Studios.

Audible ASIN:
5 stars (2 reviews)

Die Welt zu retten, ist eine Aufgabe, auf die dich keine Zauberschule vorbereiten kann...

Nahezu im Alleingang – wenn auch unterstützt von einer wachsenden Zahl echter Freunde – hat El die Scholomance für immer verändert. Nun ist sie zurück in der realen Welt und muss sehen, wie sie mit dem zurechtkommt, was sie in der Schule gelernt hat. Noch immer hängt die düstere Prophezeiung ihrer Großmutter wie ein Damoklesschwert über ihr. Wird El tatsächlich alle Enklaven für immer zerstören?

Bei dem Versuch, ihre einzig wahre Liebe zu retten, muss El die wichtigste Lektion lernen: die grausame Wahrheit darüber, worauf die Enklaven und die Stabilität der magischen Welt gegründet sind. Doch sie wäre nicht El, wenn sie nicht daran rühren wollte...

2 editions


5 stars

Aw, I just really like this series. Thoroughly recommend it. I keep expecting it to be less polished, because a lot of Temeraire feels less polished and more, like, thematically aimless to me, but it‘s very well-thought-out I think. I enjoy how the protagonist‘s perspective on the world changes, and we get to see some of this world‘s politics and the inequities thereof. There‘s also a very effective horror scene in this book. Mostly it‘s really nice to read a well-executed series that leads the reader inexorably toward the necessity of working with others to change the systems of global & institutional inequality, in ways that will be frustrating and incomplete but are worth doing - what this rekindled in me is a sense of powerful urgency & drive to join others in this work, which seems like a sign of a successful series to me. Themes of personal development …

reviewed The Golden Enclaves by Naomi Novik (Scholomance, #3)

Really strong conclusion to the series

4 stars

I think my biggest complaint about these three novels would be that the author does a lot more telling rather than showing, which I tend to dislike. There's no shortage of that in the beginning of this novel, but ultimately this might be my favorite book of the series. It finishes really strongly and I found myself more emotionally invested than I thought I would be. I can't say too much more without giving away some important plot elements, but defs recommend if you've read the first two books.