Le Seigneur des anneaux, tome 3 : Le retour du roi.

Le retour du roi , #3

736 pages

French language

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4 stars (2 reviews)

Dispersée dans les terres de l'Ouest, la Communauté de l'Anneau affronte les périls de la guerre, tandis que Frodon, accompagné du fidèle Samsagace, poursuit une mission presque désespérée : détruire l'Anneau Unique en le jetant dans les crevasses d'Oradruir, la Montagne du destin. Mais aux frontières du royaume de Mordor, une mystérieuse créature les épie... pour les perdre ou les sauver ?

72 editions

reviewed The Return of the King by J.R.R. Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings, Part 3)

Review of 'The Return of the King' on Goodreads

3 stars

"The Return of the King" by J.R.R. Tolkien brings the "The Lord of the Rings" to a ringing conclusion. At the end of the journey, one cannot help but be impressed by the level of detail and imagination that went into this beloved work of literature. While for the most part "The Return of the King" is a satisfying conclusion the story, the experience is lessened by a disjointed and often confusingly crafted narrative structure of the whole novel.

"The Return of the King" follows the battle between the forces of the West led by Gandalf and those of the Dark Lord Sauron. What is so wonderful about this volume is that each of the Hobbits is able to come fully into his own - Frodo completes his quest, Sam shows courage and bravery in Mordor, Merry becomes a squire to the King of Rohan, and Pippin enters into the …

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