Le Trône de Fer

L'Intégrale 1

785 pages

French language

Published 2010 by J'ai Lu.

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4 stars (7 reviews)

Le royaume des sept couronnes est sur le point de connaître son plus terrible hiver : par-delà le mur qui garde sa frontière nord, une armée de ténèbres se lève, menaçant de tout détruire sur son passage. Mais il en faut plus pour refroidir les ardeurs des rois, des reines, des chevaliers et des renégats qui se disputent le trône de fer. Tous les coups sont permis, et seuls les plus forts, ou les plus retors, s'en sortiront indemnes...

40 editions

Great introduction to a great series

5 stars

Many people reviewed the book far better than I ever could so I'll just write my impression down.

As a fan of the tv series I was afraid I might not be able to follow along the complex story as a book. However this was rather easy. The storytelling is really descriptive, which allows the reader to get a detailed imagination of what people and places look like. It is a really great dark fantasy book and I enjoyed reading it!

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