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Scott Robertson: Exodyssey: Visual Development of an Epic Adventure by Steambot Studios (2009)
Gary Faigin: The Artist's Complete Guide to Facial Expression (2008)
William Henry Fox Talbot: The pencil of nature (1989, Hans P. Kraus, Jr.])
Haruki Murakami: Mister Aufziehvogel (German language, 2000, btb)
Charles Stross: Accelerando (2005, Ace Books)
Isaac Asimov: Die Foundation-Trilogie (Foundation, #1-3) (German language, 2000)
Richard K. Morgan: Das Unsterblichkeitsprogramm (German language, 2004)
Dan Simmons: Terror Roman (German language, 2013)
Dan Simmons: Lovedeath (1993)
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