Rick Remender (born February 6, 1973) is an American animator, comic book writer and television producer who resides in Los Angeles, California. As a comic book creator, he is best known for his work on Uncanny X-Force, Venom, Captain America and Uncanny Avengers, published by Marvel, as well as his creator-owned series Fear Agent, Deadly Class, Black Science and Low, published by Image. In video games, he wrote EA's Dead Space and Epic Games' Bulletstorm. In 2019, Sony Pictures Television adaptapted Deadly Class into a television series of the same name, for which Remender served as a showrunner and lead writer.
Rick Remender
Author details
- Aliases:
릭 리멘더, Remender, Rick Remender, and 1 other
Rick Innes Remender - Born:
- Feb. 6, 1973