Leviathan erwacht


ebook epub, 656 pages

German language

Published Sept. 4, 2012 by Penguin Random House.

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4 stars (3 reviews)

Im Weltall gibt es kein Gesetz ... Die Menschheit hat das Sonnensystem kolonisiert. Auf dem Mond, dem Mars, im Asteroidengürtel und noch darüber hinaus gibt es Raumstationen und werden Rohstoffe abgebaut. Doch die Sterne sind den Menschen bisher verwehrt geblieben. Als der Kapitän eines kleinen Minenschiffs ein havariertes Schiff aufbringt, ahnt er nicht, welch gefährliches Geheimnis er in Händen hält - ein Geheimnis, das die Zukunft der ganzen menschlichen Zivilisation für immer verändern wird.

21 editions

reviewed Leviathan Wakes by James S.A. Corey (The Expanse, #1)

Another series I've got to read now!

4 stars

Came from watching the series so there was always the chance of not getting on with the books. Shouldn't have worried though I found this to be a great step up from the series (which I still really like). Lots of extra depth here about what's going on in the story, and I especially appreciated the extra time spent getting to know Miller.

Definitely looking forward to the next one.

Excellent read after enjoying the TV show

5 stars

I encountered the TV show, The Expanse, before discovering it was originally a book series. I'm glad I experienced the two formats in that order. Reading the book was in some way a replay of the TV show, since I pictured and heard the actors as I read.

If you haven't come across either, Leviathan Wakes is the first in a monumental space opera series, set centuries in the future, where humans have colonized most of the solar system, where Mars is a space-faring power that exists in an uneasy and unstable tension with an overcrowded Earth, and where the "Belters" (the inhabitants of the asteroid belt and the moons of the outer planets, are resentful at how they're taken for granted and exploited by the two planets.

A powerful corporation's attempts to weaponize an alien organism destabilizes an already unstable solar system.

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