Uppdrag Hail Mary

Ensam i rymden

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Andy Weir: Uppdrag Hail Mary (EBook, Swedish language, 2021, Bookmark förlag)

eBook, 510 pages

Swedish language

Published May 3, 2021 by Bookmark förlag.

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4 stars (16 reviews)

Ryland Grace är ensam överlevande på det sista desperata uppdraget att försöka rädda jorden. Om han misslyckas innebär det slutet för mänskligheten.

Men det vet inte Ryland. Han vet varken vad han heter, vem han är eller var han befinner sig. Det enda Ryland vet är att han sovit länge, som i åratal, och att han just vaknat, miljontals mil hemifrån med endast två döda astronauter till sällskap.

UPPDRAG HAIL MARY ensam i rymden handlar, precis som The Martian, om en övergiven hjälte i rymden. Med samma underfundiga humor och nördiga jargong får läsaren följa hur Ryland, likt ett mysterium inuti mysteriet-pussel löser frågan om vem han är och hur han ska kunna rädda mänskligheten Och vem, eller kanske snarare vad, det är som kommit till hans undsättning.

16 editions

Science-heavy adventure

5 stars

Content warning One revelation/twist included

Goodreads Review of Project Hail Mary by Andy Weir

4 stars

In Project Hail Mary, the sun is going out. Huge bummer. We also don't know why, and it's happening to many stars in the local area of the galaxy. But we figure out why! And we also find one system where the star ISN'T going out even though it should. So we gotta throw together a ship and crew as quickly as possible to investigate, find a solution, and get it back to Earth in time to save the sun. Enter Ryland Grace, one of the crew members of this ship. He doesn't know any of that though, because he woke up on the space ship billions of miles from home without his memory. As his memory returns, he has to work to figure out who he is, what he's doing, and how to save his home. After a shocking discovery in this alien solar system, he has new exciting …

Project Hail Mary

4 stars

After reading The Mote in God’s Eye, I realized that Garrit Franke, a fellow Fosstodon member, finished reading this book, so I decided to give it a try too.

I have to admit that at first I was a little bit hesitant about this book, because it is a written in first person, and it also starts out with ammnesia and also flashbacks. But after that I got used to the writing style pretty quickly and started to really get into the main story and the mystery behind everything happening around our protagonist.

The story follows a lone astronaut that finds himself facing impossible odds every step of the way. The way the plot is revealed and how it moves forward every chapter is great. The scientific elements are pretty accurate and that was something I found really interesting. It reminded me a lot of Jules Verne’s novels that usually …

Suspend your disbelief and like math, I guess.

2 stars

I'm not a math nerd, but if I were, this would have been more like 4 stars. I am, however, other kinds of nerd and I found the non-math parts of the book to be absolutely bonkers, but not in the joyful way. Weir has given us a protagonist with zero backstory. And I don't mean his amnesia. He ends up remembering how he got on the ship, but apparently those few months were all there was to his life. There's no family, no friends, no flings, no hobbies, no likes or dislikes--and mind you, the book is almost 500 pages in length. When he does finally make a friend, he doesn't even notice that it's the first friend he's ever had. There's no emotional interiority to this guy at all. He's just there to solve puzzles. This is truly science fantasy, not science fiction. There's nothing believable about the …

My thoughts about Projekt Hail Mary

5 stars

Project Hail Mary is a very science focused sci-fi novel, which resonates with the science geek in me. But despite having a lot of science, that never takes over from the real story. The scenario is interesting from a philosophical perspective, and the story is interesting and fun from the beginning to the end. This was the book of the year for me, and I can highly recommend it if you like sci-fi.

repite a fórmula do éxito

3 stars

"A fórmula de El Marciano repítese de xeito demasiado evidente. Resulta entretido, e con coñecementos de ensino secundario podes desfrutar lembrando aquelas asignaturas de física e química. Parecese que entendes algo."

"O libro é fácil de ler, podes ler aos poucos sen problema de perder o fío da historia xa que non ten dobleces no argumento, nin significados ou reflexións que requiran un nivel de concentración elevado."


Pure entertainment

5 stars

I think this will be the book I recommend the most this year. It is entertaining from beginning to end. If you like sci-fi or space stories, read it. If you don't, read it anyway because you will laugh. It is very rare that I tear through a book in the span of a day, but, and I apologise for the cliché, I could not put this book down.

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  • hard science-fiction
  • science-fiction
  • sci-fi
  • hard sci-fi
  • nyt:hardcover-fiction=2021-05-23
  • New York Times bestseller
  • New York Times reviewed
  • Fiction, science fiction, action & adventure
  • Fiction, science fiction, hard science fiction