October 4, 1910 - A knight on his silent steed A robust, elderly gentleman arrives in the early morning at the east doors of the provincial Parliament, parks his bicycle, adjusts his cap, and heads off to his second-floor office. The man, whose youthful vigour belies his sixty-seven years, has occupied his current post since 1905 a precarious job dependent on the fickle affections of the public. At the moment, how- ever, the man is liked well enough for today's Daily Star to greet his return from England, with, "Sir James Whitney is on the job. Ontario is safe once more." S Whitney is not only the premier, but a knight to his majesty King Henry VII, an honour bestowed on Whitney in 1908 soon after he won his second majority government. Today, this knight, on his silent steed, leads a province that has grown to a population of two and a half million. The Canadian Courier has called Whitney a man of the people who puts little stock in honours, adding that a "visitor to the Ontario Legislative
— Wheeling Through Toronto by Albert Koehl (Page 45)
The 67 year old conservative premier in Ontario rode a bike to work every day in 1910. How times have changed!