
Review of 'Broken Harbour' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

My sister says that every time I finish a Tana French book, I say that it wasn't as good as the others. (For the record, my favorite is still [b:The Likeness|1914973|The Likeness (Dublin Murder Squad, #2)|Tana French||6504351].)

I liked the crime story line in Broken Harbor very much. The protagonist of this book, Detective Mick "Scorcher" Kennedy, warns early on that "everybody lies," and, of course, that set me on edge. Yes, there were lies, but there were layers to the lives of the victims, suspects, and witnesses that made for an engaging read. (Side note: I must like getting jerked around while reading. I also enjoyed [b:Gone Girl|8442457|Gone Girl|Gillian Flynn||13306276], another story full of lies.)

The evolution of Kennedy's relationship with his rookie partner, Richie Curran, was well done.

We also get a peek into Kennedy's private life -- his siblings and his past. I found this sideline to be distracting, but, as expected, there ends up being an overlap with the murder case he is investigating.