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Review of "Stephen King: Three Novels - Carrie, Salem's Lot, The Shining" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Having watched this after seeing the 2004 film adaptation, I must say that the old saying that the book is always better most definitely applies has the typical aura of horror about it that permeates most of Stephen King's works in New England towns.

Rosie Daniels flees from her husband, Norman after fourteen years in an abusive marriage. During …

Review of 'Rose Madder' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

I have read a lot of Stephen King in my life...and I think that this novel is one of his best...because while it is less specific than others in terms of locations of where things take place, that's part of it's suspense. Not sure about other readers, but I'm pretty sure the world in the painting is one of the worlds on the wheel; sort of reminds me of one of the twisting areas of Roland's world. I feel like Rose Madder and Roland might have interacted off page at some point.

Ann Rule: Green River, Running Red (Hardcover, Thorndike Press) 5 stars

"Ann Rule has spent more than two decades researching the story of the Green River …

Review of 'Green River, Running Red' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Ann Rule has always had a way of getting into both the criminal subjects' heads as well as those of their victims in every single book of hers I have had the pleasure to read. All the way through this one, she says how it was the hardest one she'd had to write to date...I can see why. Gary Ridgway was a man of unspeakable evil, as well as one of the most depraved human beings I have ever read about, and I've read and watched content about many serial killers. Any killer is dangerous, but some are just more so.

Joanne Harris: The Strawberry Thief (Paperback, english language, 2021, Orion) 5 stars

Faith. Secret. Magic. Murder...?

Vianne Rocher has settled down. Lansquenet-sous-Tannes, the place that once rejected …

Review of 'The Strawberry Thief' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

One of the best cozy series you will read. Love how Vianne is subtle in what she can do, though she makes a difference in her community that's felt by citizens everywhere.

J.R.R. Tolkien: The Fellowship of the Ring (2003) 5 stars

The Fellowship of the Ring is the first of three volumes of the epic novel …

Review of 'The Fellowship of the Ring' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

And the plot thickens...when you finish this one, you'll be moving right over to the next in series; I love how each book builds on the previous, and I have not read a fantasy series which pulls off that trope that well in a very long time. Sending 2024 out with a fantasy bang.