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Joined 4 months, 1 week ago

Favorite genres: SF, Solarpunk, queer stuff, historic fiction (and nonfiction). I often read novels but sometimes in a mood for short stories and novellas as well. (Clarke's World eg.)

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2024 Reading Goal

50% complete! nylki has read 6 of 12 books.

Review of 'Queer*Welten 08-2022' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Ungewöhnliche, aber stimmige Mischung an Formaten! Es gibt Tags/inhaltshinweise, 100-Wort-Geschichten mit gemeinsamem Thema, ein paar Gedichte und ein Essay am Ende.
Habe die beiden (eher) Fantasy-Kurzgeschichten zwar nicht komplett gelesen, aber die SF-Geschichten haben mir allesamt sehr gefallen.
Die Rezensionen und Veranstaltungshinweise ganz am Ende sind auch eine super Idee um noch ein bisschen weiterzustöbern.

Review of 'Neptunation' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Dietmar Dath hat hier ein ziemlich dichtes Werk geschaffen mit vielen doch recht unterschiedlichen Persönlichkeiten, Orten und Nebengeschichten die sich über ca. 680 ziehen.
Es fällt mir nicht leicht hier eine nur knappe Rezension abzugeben, weil es ein sehr vielschichtiges Buch ist, dass sich ein bisschen liest wie drei chronologisch aufeinanderfolgende, separate Geschichten die zu einem Roman zusammengeschmolzen wurden.
So rein vom Lesevergnügen aus gesehen, war es für mich dann größtenteilsleider doch eher Arbeit als Vergnügen und teilweise etwas anstregend sich durch die Seiten zu arbeiten. Aber das Buch in der Mitte einfach wegzulegen war dann doch nicht so einfach. Es gibt trotz der aus meiner Sicht zähen Abschnitte immer mal wieder Passagen die kurzweilig und interessant genug sind um einen wieder reinziehen.
Besonders gut waren aus meiner Sicht die gen- bzw. biotechnischen (transhumanistischen) Ideen die etwa ab der Hälfte bzw. zweiten Drittel des Buches eingeführt werden.

Auch die teilweise …

Kazuo Ishiguro: Never Let Me Go (2006) 4 stars

Never Let Me Go is a 2005 dystopian science fiction novel by British author Kazuo …

Review of 'Never Let Me Go' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I liked the diary or memoir like writing style and the slow evolving story of this novel. Strong character development going on here as well. The world building here is deeply dystopion but ramps up the more pages you turn, as the protagonist more or less chronologically describes her growing up and discovering the world around her.

It takes place in the past (~1990s) but is only based to some extend on real world at that time but builds an alternative, though mostly very familar world (well, Great Britain mostly).

Without spoilering too much, but some story/world building elements seem unplausible to exist in such a global (national?) scale. But then again, its an alternative past kind of story.

3.5 Stars.

At the turn of the twenty-second century, scientists make a breakthrough in human spaceflight. Through …

Review of 'To Be Taught, If Fortunate' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

If you love space exploration, have wondered about exoplanets and how we could explore these close yet, for a human lifespan, far planets this novella will probably appeal to you. It did to me, I absolutely loved it.

This book is on the rather hard-SF part with plausible technology and discoveries. But although its about exploring distant alien worlds it is a very human story. And with "human" I mean both in terms of humanity; its moral, scientific questions our societies are concerned with. But also very human on an interpersonal level between the four crew members and as well in terms of our evoloved biology and survival instincts that both may not be as suited for life outside of earth.

Its 5 stars for me, because its a perfect execuation of the ~150 pages / novella format, sucks you right in with the first couple pages. And this mid/near-future, …

Review of 'A Planet for Rent' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

There are already a couple reviews about the plot and how it could be read as metaphor of capitalism + tourism in modern day Cuba. This, and the whole story outline of aliens-touristically-exploiting-earth was what drove me to read "Planet for Rent".
side note: I was expecting a novel after reading the blurp and reviews. To my surprise it was actually a collection of loosely connected short stories.

Unfortunately, the book didn't really work out for me and I was struggling whether put it back in the shelf after reading half through. Many of the stories just had too much gory body horror scenes and suggestions of sexual violence (towards minors). And then there was this sport story about an alien sport tournament which I simply found boring to read.

Despite my critique, the stories certainly did have some strong parts, thought-provoking ideas of earths exploited future and a couple …