Reviews and Comments
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anticonnor rated Pluto: Urasawa X Tezuka: 5 stars

Pluto: Urasawa X Tezuka by Osamu Tezuka, Naoki Urasawa (Pluto, Vol. 1)
In a distant future where sentient humanoid robots pass for human, someone or some thing is out to destroy the …
anticonnor rated The Cloven: 4 stars

The Cloven by Brian Catling (The Vorrh Trilogy, #3)
In the stunning conclusion to this endlessly imaginative saga, the young Afrikaner socialite Cyrena Lohr is mourning the death of …
anticonnor rated The Erstwhile: 4 stars

The Erstwhile by Brian Catling (The Vorrh Trilogy, #2)
In London and Germany, strange beings are reanimating themselves. They are the Erstwhile, the angels that failed to protect the …
anticonnor rated The Deed of Paksenarrion: 4 stars
anticonnor rated Beneath Yggdrasil's Shadow: 5 stars

Beneath Yggdrasil's Shadow by Cindar Harrell, Victor H. Rodriguez, Christine Morgan, and 7 others
Norse mythology has a fascinating take on the universe and a pantheon of amazing gods and goddesses. Although there are …
anticonnor rated Black Candy: 5 stars

Black Candy by Brie Manning, Abdul-Qaadir Taariq Bakari-Muhammad, Kenneth C. Goldman, and 33 others
A team of authors came forward and put together one of the most astounding anthologies to be noted in the …
anticonnor rated Depart, Depart!: 3 stars

Depart, Depart! by Sim Kern
When an unprecedented hurricane devastates the city of Houston, Noah Mishner finds shelter in the Dallas Mavericks' basketball arena. Though …
anticonnor rated The Dragon Reborn: 3 stars

The Dragon Reborn by Robert Jordan (The Wheel Of Time, #4)
The Dragon Reborn—the leader long prophesied who will save the world, but in the saving destroy it; the savior who …
anticonnor rated The Great Hunt: 3 stars

The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time, #2)
The Forsaken are loose, the Horn of Valere has been found and the Dead are rising from their dreamless sleep. …
anticonnor rated Ship of fools: 3 stars
anticonnor rated Tales of Nevèrÿon: 4 stars

Tales of Nevèrÿon by Samuel R. Delany (Return to Nevèrÿon)
A group of interrelated stories taking place in an ambiguous distant past setting that on the surface resembles sword-and-sorcery. As …
anticonnor rated The King in Yellow, Deluxe Edition: 4 stars

The King in Yellow, Deluxe Edition by Robert W. Chambers
An important early classic of fantasy/sci-fi. [Main story:] The ill effects of a soul-destroying play, to read which brings doom. …
anticonnor rated The Inugami Clan: 3 stars
anticonnor rated Abarat: 2 stars

Abarat by Clive Barker (Abarat -- [bk. 1])
Candy Quackenbush of Chickentown, Minnesota, one day finds herself on the edge of a foreign world that is populated by …