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Camilo F. Cruz: La vaca (Spanish language, 2004, Taller del Éxito) 2 stars

The true enemy of success is not failure but conformity and mediocrity. How to change …

Review of 'La vaca' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I already had all my cows, defects, excuses and negativity under hard eyes. The problem is, well, to change it. Nice book, useful for some people.

Cormac McCarthy: Meridiano de sangre (Paperback, Spanish language, Plaza y Janes) 5 stars

An epic novel of the violence and depravity that attended America's westward expansion, Blood Meridian …

Review of 'Meridiano de sangre' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is an impressive story. I can't find words raw enough to describe its violence, the desire of survival, of evilness, of arrogance for playing God and never dying.

I feasted in every word, enjoyed it, felt it like the desert, the heat, the dark smell of rotting blood. Not a good thing considering I live in a godamn steppe that's slowly turning into a desert, but I've been there.

The permanent nihilism in every word. The Judge was such a remarkable character, engulfing the world alone, bringing chaos, war, destruction, just for his own diversion. I liked Glanton too, and the corruption of the whole company. You can't win against the devil. He even plays the violin.

What else can I say? It had a Heart of Darkness vibe. The obscure path towards the evil seeds growing in the heart. You lose respect for life if you notice how …