Reviews and Comments

David Scrimshaw Locked account

Joined 7 months, 2 weeks ago

An avid sci-fi and fantasy reader who sometimes does historical fiction or even mainstream.

You might notice that most of my reviews are 5 stars. That's because if I start reading a book that doesn't engage me, I stop reading it. Life is too short. I've realized that it's not fair to review a book I haven't read and nobody really needs to hear why I didn't get into a book especially when they might like it.

My goals with reviews are to be brief and give other potential readers an idea of why they might like the book. I leave it to the marketing people and other reviewers to describe the plots.

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reviewed All Systems Red by Martha Wells (The Murderbot Diaries, #1)

Martha Wells: All Systems Red (EBook, 2017, Tordotcom) 4 stars

"As a heartless killing machine, I was a complete failure."

In a corporate-dominated spacefaring future, …

Review of 'All Systems Red' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

This is a charming series and I loved spending time with Murderbot.

I think this might be a good series for people who want to try science fiction because they like things like Star Trek, but don't like most sci-fi they have tried.

The stories are pretty short. Not too short for a full story to be told, but too short for someone who wants to spend a lot of time with the delightful Murderbot. (Spoiler Alert: Murderbot isn't actually a murderer. It's more a life-saver.)

Mark Lawrence: Prince of Fools (The Red Queen's War, #1) 5 stars

Review of "Prince of Fools (The Red Queen's War, #1)" on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Set in the same empire as the "Thorns" books, but a completely different protagonist, this time, one who was inspired by Harry Flashman of [b:Flashman|142458|Flashman (The Flashman Papers, #1)|George MacDonald Fraser||1137467].

Now, I read all the Flashman books back in the 80s, and I'll admit, I got a bit tired of him, but I never tired of Prince Jalan.

Plus he travels with the bravest and strongest Viking you could imagine, and who doesn't love a good Viking?

Mark Lawrence: One Word Kill (2019, Amazon Publishing) 5 stars

In January 1986, fifteen-year-old boy-genius Nick Hayes discovers he’s dying. And it isn’t even the …

Review of 'One Word Kill' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Between this book and Stranger Things, I get the impression that my life would have gone better if Dungeons and Dragons had been a thing in the early 70s and I'd found a few people to play it with.

Review of 'The Ruin of Angels' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

If you're into this series, you'll read this book.

If you're thinking about getting into the series, I'd suggest starting with [b:Three Parts Dead|13539191|Three Parts Dead (Craft Sequence, #1)|Max Gladstone||19101555], which was the first book written although not the first by chronological setting.

And with this book, you can be confident that the series continues to be interesting and fun.

I always thought that if I ever wrote a book, I'd want to put every wacky idea I had into that book. So, I probably wouldn't be able to write a second book. Max Gladstone had all kinds of fresh, new wacky ideas for this book and this is the sixth book in the Craft Sequence. There is no sign that he is running out of these ideas and so I think he must have an amazing ability to generate them.

[Here's a funny thing: This listing is for "The …